View Full Version : Cat and Mouse

06-23-06, 01:44 PM
((OOC: For me and Streak, but its not closed, if you want in just post ok))

Radasanth was really an interesting place, the streets that were usually busy, were on this night rather lonely with but a few people occasionally sighted crossing the street. How could Radasanth be described, a city constantly portrayed as a night city maybe, or one with such history that alone called for attention and the activity it was famous for. Still the calmness for this night would be welcome, for one person this would not only be a chance to test out this new equipment, but more so to just have a plain good old fashioned bit of fun playing tricks.

‘ that should do it ’

The young silvet thought as she hid the bag containing her regular clothes out of sight, but safety wasn’t really an issue as she planted it somewhere high up that she had been able to climb up to. She descended and stood up straight tugging on her fingerless glove, the darn thing was just begging to come loose. In place of her normal clothes was one of the last things she would have thought she would wear, well ok maybe not the last, but definitely one that was on the list. Armour, well what passed for armour at least, it was mostly leather, but not black, no it was a dark purple and it was snug against her body. The other part of the armour was an iron Chain mail, mostly visible down her leg and against her sides, but the best thing was that it was Dwarvern, and she had got it at a reduced price it came with its own boots and gloves too, the only thing visible on her was her head and her arms.

That wasn’t all that was new in her equipment, safely fastened to a built in strap on her armour were two crossed sheathes, each one a home to a new steel dagger, ones that had not yet seen battle, they were waiting to be tested, and she wanted to see if that ring around the hilts would indeed protect her hand. But still she wasn’t planning on testing them yet, no; she had plans for just testing out her mobility for now. The bad news for this new equipment was actually a simple price, she was no bankrupt with any gold to even give a beggar, this lack of funds was troubling, but with her luck she would be caught up in a quest in no time and then worrying about meaningless items such as gold would be forgotten.

“… right … now that is taken care off … I wonder if he has arrived yet”

Ahh yes, her so called guinea pig for tonight, of cause she needed someone to be here to help test out her mobility, she needed someone to chase her to give her a motive to actually run around in a game of cat and mouse. The major question with that was who would she even contact for this little bit of fun. Canen? No, as soon as she started running she would find a dark matter orb chasing her down the street; he was too moody for fun and games.

Surely not that annoying vampire she had met in that tavern, no, the next time they would willingly meet each other would be in combat, which for the most part, Kaiserin was really not looking forward too. So then … who, who would she even choose for this?

Kaiserin didn’t directly go towards the meeting place, outside some abandoned corner shop seemingly in the middle of Radasanth, especially when it was so quiet. She approached from the shadows of an ally; her new armour made little sound for the chain mail really had little room to move on its own. She peeked around the corner whilst at the same time slid her fingers through her hair combing it backwards, she frowned when she saw that her little ‘victim’ wasn’t here yet, would he even show up, that would be a completely different story.

‘ He is late ’

She thought while crossing her arms and leaning against the wall, she had a perfect view of there meeting place, but to anyone else she was hidden in the shadows, at least she thought she was. She sighed, not expecting this wait; she grew bored and fast and took to examining her surroundings instead. It was night, that much was obvious, dark and slightly cool, but with the heat wave recently that was a refreshing change. The sky had patches of cloud, and some of the stars were visible, but the lights from this city hid them well enough. The walls, brick and cement, what was there really to describe about it, and the ally which she waited in, further down there were odd items here and there, discarded empty boxes and the like.

So who had she sent for, there was only one person she knew who might even take interest in this, Banda, that’s who she had contacted, she had sent a letter to him requesting that they meet here at 9:00 o’clock, he was currently 15 minuets late. That was the bait, when she would show herself, she would not be going as Kaiserin, there would be no fun in that, no she had a game ready for poor Banda, speaking of which. Her armour had sucked up her funds and she had not been able to buy that head gear which she wanted, so she did without, still her scarf would hopefully hide her face enough. It was already tied around her neck, yet she took the two trails and wrapped them around her nose and mouth, and then wrapped what was left around her forehead tying it at the back. Several strands of her white hair had managed to sneak through or over her make shift disguise, but it was all she could do with all she had. Her tail would also present a problem, but she really could not do anything about that except hide it, but that was impossible when wearing her armour alone, hopefully if she revealed herself as a Neko he would buy it … now for the other question … where was he.

06-23-06, 10:36 PM
To say the least Banda had been confused. He was outside Radasanth early in the morning, finishing one of his current missions, when the messenger came. "I'm sorry sir, but are you Banda Utako?" Not surprised, Banda replied, "Yes." He assumed it was from one of his contractors, or someone who was hoping to be one of his contractors. "Well sir, you have a letter from...someone," Banda thought this strange and asked, "No name? At all? Can't be the usual person then. A description at least?" "Well she did have silver hair..." There's only one person I know who has silver hair. Banda thought, a grin passing across his face.

"Give me that note. Now." The messenger handed the note over, and left running quickly to deliver his other letters. Banda waited for him to leave until he opened the envelope. It read: "Dear Banda, please meet me in the specified location below..." Banda stared at the letter andthought it over. Why would she want to rendevou? To kill me? No, she can't be THAT dishonorable. But why would she request to see? Whatever, I'll go but I won't fall for any more tricks. And I don't want myself to have two halves again.

Later that day...

Banda walked slowly through Radasanth, passing countless citizens and looking as collective as possible. No one would care whether he stepped into a random alley way here. But just in case... Was all that he thought as he walked. That woman was the sort of person who would make you think if she was nice, or evil. It was hard to tell. He turned around the corner closing his eyes, to improve his other senses to look for a sound, any sound. He heard the sound of clanging metal, a very faint sound.

Probably a merchant getting new wares. He shivered a little, this night was a little cold. An eerie cold that made you think you were being followed, or hunted down by someone. He looked up at the sky breathing in the damp air around him, the sky covered in clouds, shadowed the city, the stars Banda so much liked to see were barely peeking out of the dark sky. Banda shook his head and looked down at the road he couldn't see much of it, the time of night, and the clouds saw to that.

He thought about their encounter, making sure his gear was where he would need it in case of a sudden attack. He recognized the meeting place reading the notes direction. He noticed their meeting time was at nine a clock, it was already nine-thirty. "I better hurry!" Banda picked up his pase he was later than he intended. As he reached his destination, Banda made sure he was ready for anything. Okay woman. Let's see what you brought me here for.

07-02-06, 02:31 PM
The silvet grinned from behind the cloth of her scarf tied around her face, there he was, the little gullible guinea pig. Still if memory serves Banda had a boomerang, not that she was questioning his aim but, she would have to take that from him, or risk getting pelted around the head.

‘ First things first ’

Kaiserin jumped up catching the tip of the roof, and then lifted herself up onto the flat service, as she did this she questioned her heritage, having a monkey tail, and the strength to handle her body, would it not make sense if she could jump high, she was going to have to learn to do that. She did everything she could to get from her position to get towards his blind spot, that involved going from one roof top building to the next, dropping down into an ally and dashing across the street.

Then as silently as she could, she gently tip toed through the shadows closer to Banda, to anyone looking it would appear like an assassin ready to make a killing blow, but for all her playfulness that was the last thing on her mind as she got closer and closer.

‘…Got ya ’

She grinned under her mask again as she now stood directly behind the oblivious Banda, again she questioned what Banda had done to deserve this, and again she provided a somewhat humours answer to her twisted sense of humour, after all he had taken up her challenge. Actually Kaiserin had surprised herself; she usually had the stealth of a dancing ape, but for some reason the skin tight armour she wore made her feel like she was actually good at it.

Without any warning given to her poor victim she first went to deal with that boomerang, she snatched out for the item and pulled it out of his possession rather quickly and ungracefully. No doubt Banda’s first reaction would be to assume she was a thief, although she was only just not going to let him have it back for a little bit, she had to do something else that would throw away any up coming attacks.

“ … Push!”

She yelled whilst grinning like a maniacal evil villain from behind her mask, and with one hand holding the boomerang and the other raising too she forcefully pushed both arms out towards the travelling adventurer. No doubt he would be pushed away, and better to make sure that he had no chance to swing his sword, she hopped back as soon as her arms had pushed against him.

‘ Now its time for introductions ’

“Oopsie … how clumsy of me, heh, come on … I didn’t push you that hard did I?”

Moment of truth, would he or would he not recognise her, although it was hard to try and disguise yourself she had to do it, well, not really, but there was no run in just walking up to him and ask him to chase her across town, she had to give him a good reason, and taunting him to insanity was good enough.

07-08-06, 12:19 AM
Banda had only to wait for a few minutes before he fell for the trap he was too gullible at the moment to not notice. His new found rival had passed through out the alley with the greatest ease, Banda too caught up in his own thoughts of confusion, and anxiety to hear the footsteps, and the sound of the clanging armor sounding louder and louder.

He looked like a fool. Staring blankly into space as someone was creeping behind him. It was only when he felt a tug on his shirt when he snapped out of his deep thinking. He recognized where the tug had been, and reached where his boomerang had been. Feeling the empty space where his boomerang had been, Banda swore I should've gotten that holster when I had the chance.

As if stealing his favorite weapon from him hadn't been enough, the thief decided to push him forward. Let's see exactly who you are... Stumbling, Banda grabbed his iron sword and swung it around. Hitting nothing but air, “Oopsie … how clumsy of me, heh, come on … I didn’t push you that hard did I?” Banda swore again and came face to face with his target, and soon to be pest.

By the body figure she was a female, a clue to who was stealing from him, she was dressed head to toe in light armor, a chainmail body, leather under the chainmail tight against her body. Damnit! I should've recognized the clanging sound earlier!. Her face though was clearly visible, and Banda noticed it as familiar. The silver-white hair could give her away anywhere.

"I didn't think you would go to a life of crime. Your not that kind of person from what I learned from our battle. Then again, you did cut me in two!" Banda voice grew louder, and tenser. He forced himself to calm down in order to keep in line. "So what have you called me for? To chop me up to bits this time?" Banda had said sarcastically.

Falcon Darkflight
07-12-06, 10:54 AM
It had always struck Canen as fascinating that Kaiserin Nightwind, who had made following in her father's footsteps a crusade of her own, possessed the most contained and unchanging nature of anyone he knew. He paused inside the entrance to the alleyway, giving the light a bemused visual audit, comparing the way the city looked now to the way he had imagined it would have looked a decade ago. The place was a testament to careful upkeep, a paradigm of maintenance and preservation. Over the years, the Radasanthian buildings had been refurnished and painted over, perhaps even partially transformed, but Isa forbid that any of them would ever be replaced.

He had followed Kaiserin for a while now after spotting her during a trip to the centre of town, slinking in and out of the shadows as he went, but was now mostly confused by this latest state of affairs. He recognised the other character as the infamous Banda Utako, the boy-turned-self professed merc who he had once or twice come across at other times. Unsure quite what was going on, the Nocturn had watched the playful antics of his best friend's daughter with a small smile.

"Kaiserin, why are you bullying poor Banda here? Are you bored or something?"

An aura of bedrock consistency and dependability reassured Canen that Kaiserin really had nothing better to do at all.

Canen stood there for a moment without further comment, the buildings either side of him thrusting high above most of the other urban development, extending the atmosphere of benign yet unassailable permanence beyond the confines of the alleyway.

"Perhaps you can tell me what this is all about...?"

07-13-06, 05:37 AM
All that money for this new armour, and for her new weapons, and despite her efforts to hide her identity Banda still recognised her. After sighing out loud and loosening her stance she reluctantly loosened the scarf from around her face and dropped its two tails behind her revealing her face, and confirming her identity. Her expression was one of annoyance, Banda was mistaking her for taking a life of crime now, he really failed to see that she was bored and looking for a little fun, still at the end of the day all she had to do was still piss him off.

“You know, you really are an annoying little …”

“Kaiserin, why are you bullying poor Banda here? Are you bored or something”

Another voice cut her off, she had a faint recognition of the voice, there were few tones that had a sense of creepiness about them, but she was really starting to see her own futile attempt at having that said fun. The one who stood in the shadows grinning, and with the creepy glowing green eyes, she slowly turned her head to greet those eyes and, Canen Darkflight, otherwise known as Falcy to her father. Without even saying a single word she fell back against the wall mindlessly tossing the boomerang upwards, catching it then repeating the motion.

“ … Just for once, I go out of my way for a little bit of fun, but my plans are shot down off the bat, and if they weren’t they would be at your impeccable arrival “

She sighed again, only this time she stopped toying with the boomerang, only to stare at it for a moment, grinning to some inner thought before she gently tossed the toy back to Banda. Her tail was swinging to mimic her mood, the way it danced, it seemed happy, but with a little hint of violence she was still annoyed at the same time.

“Still, I guess I should be grateful to see you Uncle, but I guess I could use you for something”

Kaiserin then swung around back to Banda, not really caring if he had caught his prized possession or sheathed his sword away, the grin of her face seemed, full of mischief and an evil intent, she knew that Canen was really going to miss the company of her father by the end of the night.

“Ok here is the deal kiddo, I am going to piss you off for the next half an hour, but your not allowed to do anything, after the time is up, you can do what the hell you like, be that hunting me down for revenge I don’t care.”

Then she turned her head back around to Canen with the same grin, although behind that grin she was recalling the reason she had chosen Banda for this and not Canen, Banda had only a boomerang, her fathers best friend however, had a little knack for tossing around unstable projectiles.

“As for you, you can do whatever you want to, but you should join in on this game, you could use the exercise, but you’re not allowed any of that magic stuff ok, I only want to give me new equipment a field run, not to see if it can withstand an explosion while I am wearing it, m’kay”

Switching back to Banda
“Ok kiddo, ready, of and you got no choice, so put up with it, so let’s get started ok”

07-15-06, 02:33 AM
Banda showed a small grin, "Come on Dusk I'm not stupid. You wouldn't be here if you became a criminal, you would be in Alerar stealing some of their gizmos, or something." Thats what she told me to call her by! Dusk! I completely forgot up to now! Sighing Dusk removed the scarf from around her neck, and changed her stance to a more casual looking type.

“You know, you really are an annoying little …” Dusk was interrupted by a familiar voice, coming from the shadows in the alley. "Kaiserin, why are you bullying poor Banda here? Are you bored or something?" Banda turned towards the shadows, and saw yet another familiar person: Canen Darkflight. A while back when Banda was just starting out, he had encountered Canen in several occasions, and knew exactly what the man could do, something Banda liked to call orbs of dark destruction. He had seen Canen bring an entire cavern ceiling down on a giant creature, the first time they met.

"Well this turned out to be a fine reunion, my semi-rival," Banda never considered Dusk as a complete threat, "and my er..." Banda didn't know whether to call Canen friend or acquaintance, he knew so little of the man, that it was hard to say, "I mean, someone I know, know each other, and that Dusks real name is Kaiserin." He said sarcastically. Kaiserin had just kept tossing Banda's boomerang in the air, as Banda kept close eye on it, If she breaks it... “ … Just for once, I go out of my way for a little bit of fun, but my plans are shot down off the bat, and if they weren’t they would be at your impeccable arrival “ she had said, Banda gave her an awkward look, "Well you don't have to take my boomerang from me!" Even if she hadn't heard the statement she tossed back the boomerang.

“Still, I guess I should be grateful to see you Uncle, but I guess I could use you for something” she added, Banda scratched his head, "Uncle? Did I miss a chapter in this book or something?" Kaiserin turned to look at Banda her face with a grin, a grin that Banda had recognized from their battle, it was the smile imps sometimes had when they were having fun. “Ok here is the deal kiddo, I am going to piss you off for the next half an hour, but your not allowed to do anything, after the time is up, you can do what the hell you like, be that hunting me down for revenge I don’t care.”

Banda snorted, "Ha! Is that all? Go ahead and piss me off! I'll chase you back to the Citadel if I have to! Don't worry about revenge though, because I don't kill for fun!" Kaiserin had said something to Canen and then turned back to Banda, “Ok kiddo, ready, oh and you got no choice, so put up with it, so let’s get started ok?”
Banda gave her a reassuring look and said, "Ok! And good luck!" He then looked at Canen and added, "Care to join us? Free for all just jump in! We can make this a game!" Banda liked the idea a whole lot more now.

09-24-06, 10:23 AM
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