View Full Version : just a rope and hook

05-08-08, 08:20 PM
This was the first time Raphael went into a bazzar, he walked in and there was a man behind the counter, Rahael looked around and the prices all looked a little too expensive.

Behind the counter he saw a rope with a hook attached to it, not knowing if it belonged to the Merchant, not really caring also asked,

"Ey, How much is the hook rope worth"

how much are hunnert worth?

Call me J
05-14-08, 10:15 PM
The merchant was only half paying attention. He had recently received news of his daughter's wedding, and he wasn't sure how he felt about her getting married to a high elf, of all people. He worried that the elf would belittle both her and her upbringing. He was paying so little attention that he barely knew that there was a pale vampire with dark black eyes on the other side of the counter.

"That thing in iron?" the shopkeeper asked, not actually verifying to check if it was iron. "With the wool rope? That's about 25 peices of gold."

05-14-08, 10:33 PM
'25 peices, Hmmmm, i really need it' Raphael thought to himself,

"how long is the wool rope, and would it be enough to hold my weight?" Raphael needed to know this because he needed it to help him scale a house where a fugitive lived.

'and i hope he pays more attention to be this time, i could have walked out with half his store by now'

Call me J
05-15-08, 08:53 PM
The merchant knew he'd have to actually have to look at the rope to give his customer an answer, and that was the first moment where he noticed that he was dealing with a vampire. He was taken aback, but managed to keep most of his composure as he said in a somewhat shaky voice that the rope was about fifteen feet long.

"It'll only cost another five peices to double it," the merchant added. "And I'm not sure if it would support a human's weight, but it should support a vampire.. I think. You people are lighter, aren't you?"

05-15-08, 09:21 PM
"you people? what do you mean by you people?"

Raphael liked being a vampire and liked to mess with people when they made derogotory notions like that.

"You know vampires are people to, we are not all bad as you can see, i havent ripped your throat out, yet."

Raphael was smiling behind his mask, he knew that the merchant was scared of him. Taking his mask off because he was inside out of the sun, revealing a beautiful face, he was on the verge of laughing.

"Yes, please double it if you will, ill need the length"

Call me J
05-16-08, 01:35 PM
The merchant looked a bit uneasy and did not offer any other suggestions to improve the item as he went underneath his counter to produce a longer rope. With fumbling hands he tied it to the hook, and then passed it over the counter.

"I- I meant no offense..." he offered, wondering if the vampire's removal of the mask was in preparation for violence. "It's just... it's 30"

05-16-08, 03:30 PM
"ok, ill take it," Raphael took the rope and hook and handed the man a little bag containing 30 gold peices.

"You have a nice day." Raphael said putting his mask on and walking out the door

Call me J
05-17-08, 01:39 PM
The merchant heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the vampire leave the store. It was only after he counted up the coins in his purse, however, that he smiled.

"They're all here," he mumbled out loud, half expecting that the vampire would have cheated him.

(Transaction closed. Allenslob receives an iron and wool hook rope (30 ft in length) and loses 30 GP)