View Full Version : Mr. Business Man

05-01-08, 01:09 PM
Godhand took the service entrance into The Fickle Bluebird. It was some upscale Radasanthian restaurant that claimed it had the finest liquor you could get in the country. He wordlessly handed the sommelier a plain, unmarked bottle, waiting for him to taste it. He'd gotten one of his buddies to call in a favor from the foreman at a bottling plant; managed to get about ten bottles for every barrel of vintage scotch he had.

"There's three hundred more where that came from."

05-01-08, 01:11 PM
The restaurant steward took his time sampling the scotch, mulling it over before giving Godhand his response.

"Fifty for each bottle, if they're all like this."

05-01-08, 01:14 PM
"Sold. Bring it in, boys. And careful! Each one of those bottles is worth more than your life!"

He'd given a couple of goodfellas a hundred gold each to help him bring in the boxes of scotch, each one being utterly careful with each crate. They knew what Godhand would do to them if they screwed up. The mercenary collected his money from the sommelier and left.

05-01-08, 01:20 PM
((Transaction Completed.

Godhand loses his entire stock of vintage Scotch as noted in his Inventory thread, amounting to about 30 barrels.

While he had paid for the workers, the sommlier insisted on paying for them as well.

Godhand receives 8,000 GP profit for the sales.

Godhand receives 0 EXP. :p

See you around~))