View Full Version : Enchantment

04-18-08, 01:03 PM
First light stretched out cold and bleak, pursuing Lakin with its unkind touch. She rubbed her hands and blew on them, trying to breathe some warmth into her icy fingers. It seemed as if she had not been warm since she left the carriage in Savion. The clouds hung low and grave above her. Lakin felt the heavy drape with every step over the cobbled pavement. Around her, the air was dense with mist and the wind whipped through, pounding until she could not stop the trembling that had seized her limbs. Across the way, two dark shapes that she determined were men in ankle length cloaks and thick woolen caps headed toward her. One fought to untangle his extremely thick beard from a button on his shirt. The other carried an axe blunt along the edge, very clumsily. The bearded man elbowed Lakin and clamped his hand down on her shoulder “What do you reckon, Tom?” The second man stumbled; his over-sized pants kept tripping him. “By the look of it a boy, bit on the scrawny side too,” They laughed hard at their joke, slapping one another on the back. Which gave Lakin time to inspect each man, quickly concluding that they were not only dim-witted, but also harmless.

“I seek, the Bazaar Owner,” she said between her teeth. “Would one of you take me to whoever that may be” This seemed to clear their heads, “Well now that would depend” The first man said, stroking his beard to a thin point at the end. “Stop teasing her” The second man chuckled, holding out his hand. Lakin grasped it, and let herself be shaken clear off her feet. “Good hand shake for a girl” “That’s the stuff,” Tom bellowed, while the bearded man circled, forming his own opinion. Lakin endured, concentrating on remaining upright. “What do you want of the Bazaar Owner?” The first man asked, his eyes bulging inquisitively. “What do I want?” “Hmm, that would be between the Bazaar Owner and myself, now wouldn’t it?” she said with sudden, direct honesty. The men looked at each other. “Well, the person you want should be along any time now” Tom relayed with a smile.

“Go in, you will find it warm inside. They are always ready to speak to any who come openly” The men stood either side of her, as much to keep her from walking in the wrong direction as anything. For a moment, she lingered in the entry feeling the heat seep in; then she took a deep breath and walked to the counter, her footsteps echoing on the parquet floor.“I would like to buy a spell that can reduce a man, demon or creature to human strength, agility and speed. How much would an enchantment like this cost?” Lakin inquired, feeling the paltry weight of her purse.

04-19-08, 09:46 AM
A shadow shifted within the depths of the store, hidden from the eyes by the bright glows of candle light and the sharp contrast behind the store's single post. The first to break through the nightly shroud as the brim of a wide, black hat - accompanied by raven hair, robes of midnight and a pair of piercing black eyes.

"Well, that certainly is a powerful spell."

Agatha smiled coyly as she glided to the counter, a large tome rising slowly from her side and quietly landing on the table just as a small black cat hopped up next to it. The leather-bound book flipped itself as if blown by the wind, not resting for a second until it reached a page riddled with numerous archaic letters and odd sketches of various items.

"Such a powerful spell will cost you a great deal. You do realize that to reduce a demonic being to that of a mere human requires an elaborate ritual, involving untainted human blood and souls to be spilled? For such a universal, all-purpose spell... I require five thousand gold pieces."

The witch girl was only half-joking when she told the Mystic her price. While the actual cost of labor going into the enchantment was not that time-consuming or taxing, the ingredients were perhaps the witch's greatest concern. It was not often she was going to receive a griffin's claw or a cyclop's eye willingly.

"...But I understand you're on a bit of a budget." The dark-robed store owner eyed her customer, gauging the reaction and responding cooly to ease her mind. "So, would you like to hear an alternative I would propose? It all depends on how much you would like to spend, after all."

04-20-08, 01:32 AM
A cat appeared from nowhere and rubbed her head gently against Lakin's side, she began boisterously purring, so her persistent rumbles for attention echoed in Lakin’s ear. Reaching out an arm she scooped up the feline, cradling it against her ribcage. Noticeably, the cat and Agatha shared the same inky color hair, a stunning hue of black. The animal careened around Lakin’s arm and spying her mistress, made a beeline toward her, tearing playfully up Agatha’s midnight robe to perch on her shoulder. Only narrowly missing the broad lip of Agatha’s hat, the feline’s sleek body rippled and her tail swayed contently back and forth. A half smile played on Lakin’s lips as she watched the animal’s antics. As black cats go, good fortune rather than the customary dark superstition seemed to follow this one. Lakin admired the bond between the cat and Agatha; in the animals ease, Lakin saw fervent trust and affection. The sheer coziness of the scene was touching.

When the leather-bound book spilled open, the scent assailed Lakin at once, it brought Kristiniel’s diary, memories of the last entry flooded back as vividly as if she were reading it. Lakin flinched as if from a jolt and closed her eyes. It was a long time before she opened them again, a tentative finger drifted above the symbols scribbled in their own ancient language on the page, marking incantation.

"Such a powerful spell will cost you a great deal. You do realize that to reduce a demonic being to that of a mere human requires an elaborate ritual, involving untainted human blood and souls to be spilled? For such a universal, all-purpose spell... I require five thousand gold pieces"

Devastated, Lakin cast an anxious glance upward, finding Agatha again, her words hitting like a cold hard slap. Lakin's response to Agatha's price was mechanical, she looked at her in amazement; wide eyed and holding her breath. It was only after Agatha's expression signaled there was some glimmer of hope that Lakin relaxed, and released a heavy sigh of relief.

"...But I understand you're on a bit of a budget." The dark-robed store owner eyed her customer, gauging the reaction and responding cooly to ease her mind. "So, would you like to hear an alternative I would propose? It all depends on how much you would like to spend, after all."

“I will listen to any suggestions you are willing to make.” A smile sneaked around her lips, “Any suggestions you have for less than 200 gold pieces that is.” The truth increased her smile, and lent genuine warmth to her eyes.

"The spell would only be temporary; I need it to last the duration of a challenge if possible"

04-21-08, 10:49 AM
An enigmatic smile crept across the magician's lips, who dipped her head just enough to shield her eyes from the Mystic's own before responding with a hint of mischief in her voice.

"That amount should be enough, if just barely. Allow me to make a short list of what is available for your price."

Without even touching the leather-bound tome, Agatha browsed through the gigantic book as the pages flew open on their own and pausing only momentarily for the set of quill and paper - which quite literally floated off the nearby shelves without any visible force - to scribble down the names and effects. The supernatural display continued for a full five minutes with the young witch's eyes quickly skimming across the pages and her fingers dancing on the wind. The black feline remained draped across her shoulder, purring quietly and following her master's gaze.

The rush ended with a soft thud of the book gently closing, returning to its usual inanimate state on the table as the quill pen and piece of paper floated into its master's waiting hands. She casually placed it on the table and stroke her cat's head, finally revealing her eyes to the waiting customer on the other side of the table.

"Here you are, miss. I have listed the names of the spell, the items used, effects and their prices. If any one of them interests you, please notify me and I will handle the rest."

Name: Firey Sand
Item: Glass vial with red sand
Use: Blow the sand at target. The effects will begin once the target inhales it.
Effects: Causes difficult breathing and burning sensation in the lungs. The target will, consequently, become slightly encumbered by its own movement for about ten minutes.
Price: 200 GP

Name: Aura Purge
Item: Glass bottle filled with blue liquid
Use: Throw liquid onto the target.
Effects: Any unnatural enhancement, aura or enchantments will become temporarily purged from the target. The effect lasts for five minutes.
Price: 180 GP

Name: Minor Calcify
Item: Small glass jar with yellow sand inside.
Use: Throw sand against the target.
Effects: Causes the joints of the target to become slightly stiff and hard to move. The effect lasts from three to ten minutes, depending on the strength of the target. A lesser demon may become partly immobile while a larger demon may become hindered for no more two minutes.
Price: 175 GP

Name: Powerdown Aura
Item: Small, green paper amulet
Use: Attach the paper against the target. The effects disappear upon removal.
Effects: The target slowly loses strength over time until it is too enfeebled to move. Works only against demons.
Price: 200 GP

04-24-08, 10:09 AM
Lakin studied the writing on the page with approval clearly mirrored in the depths of her eyes. She held the parchment up to the light, her dark eyes expertly scanning each incantation for power and strength. “This one” she announced swiftly, letting her finger trace over the ink on the page. She was in the act of placing her purse on the bench when she felt a tingling sensation ripple through her. Heat blossomed across her skin and in the next heartbeat, a sinew of light, sharp and piercing, sliced through the shadow hovering along the rows of shelving. Providing a path just wide enough for Lakin and Agatha to follow. The path led down into the heart of the store, which grew increasingly gloomy as she walked forward. Wrapped in warm cocoon of her cloak, Lakin knew without looking that a veil of mist had closed in behind her, shutting out the familiar sounds of the Bazaar.

She could feel the bitter cold at her back as surely as she could feel her own pulse quicken and race wildly inside. She too had vanished, and if she were not careful, she would be lost in this unearthly world. The path curved in the distance like a ribbon of gray, muddy and damp. The ground beneath her slurped, and each footstep sank in a murky pool of water. The moisture tugged at her clothes and grazed her delicate skin with new lines of cold. Lakin’s body trembled, and each stride hurt as if it must be the last, but she forged on. She turned her mind again and again to Agatha, striving to find the young Wiccan through the thick haze surrounding her. There was no time here and Lakin was unable to find her bearing or any true sense of place. Her sodden garment clung to her body and the sheer fabric provided no protection from the cold.

The wind was high and the way in front of her opened wide. She saw a purple tide of twighlight bottled in two vials, small and perfectly round, suspended in the air. Each one with an eerie glow and hanging on the edge of what seemed to be a fathomless abyss. Then there were shapes in the enfolding mist. Lakin looked, as women dressed in gowns of stark white resolved from the mottled background. In this world of shadows, what little color they had was now completely gone. The Ancients of DpN came forth as a cheerless and somber procession of Mystic’s with the woeful breeze swirling before them. Their words sounded within Lakin’s thoughts rather than in her ears, passing directly to the soul of her in the same way that misery did. The shroud hiding the women’s faces deepened, they lifted their hands, passing the flutes of violet vapor between them and chanted in an ancient tongue. Lakin did not back away; she stood against the voices in her mind, instinctively paused.

“In this Heart is life you Seek

Plain of Spirit, thee will Meet

Plain of Soul he will Reach

Flesh and Blood, will now be Meek

Strength and Speed to him Retreat

Mind and Being for now be Weak"

“We can help you. But If you have this done Daughter of Erynn, the price will be very high and we will take what is promised. Crush each vial when you enter the chamber chanting over and over until you see life and the caprice of mortality flow within. This spell will banish all to the mortal world so only blood, flesh and bone remain. But beware, our enchantment will only last from dusk to first light." Then they were gone, gone in an instant and Lakin for the moment; was free. A new sound broke her awareness, the small tinkle of the store bell chimed out and the sound of boots scrapping followed. Lakin acted as if all was as it should be, unsure of Agatha. Her purse was still on the bench waiting.

“200 gold pieces, that’s all of it. It was a pleasure doing business with you”

04-27-08, 10:33 PM
"And it was a pleasure doing business with you, too."

The darkly-robed witch smiled with a hint of mischief upon her lips, taking the gold whilst handing the Mystic her purchase. Not another word passed between the two as they parted ways, the store becoming vacated once more to the hollow sound of blowing wintry wind.

"Well, isn't that surprising? A member of the Deadpool Network." The black kitty yawned lazily as she hopped onto the table from her master's shoulder.

"Apparently so, Nadia." Agatha mused, resting her head on an opened palm as she watch the crowd move by outside. "I wonder what she's up to. Perhaps Kero might know..."

((Transaction Complete!

Lakin of DpN loses 200 GP and receives 75 EXP.

She also receives her purchased items and spells, which she has asked me to keep private at the moment. The purchase is no longer subject to change.

Thank you and drop by again~))