View Full Version : New Arms and Armor

03-02-08, 01:34 AM
Teric had a short list of items that he'd been contemplating for a good long while. They were the kinds of items that any fighting man would be proud to own, and could inspire a tinge of jealously in some. They also happened to be the kinds of items that cost exorbitant amounts of money...

The Armor & Arms was just another of a dozen generically named weapons and armor shops that dotted the Radasanth Bazaar. Racks lined with gleaming new swords, dummies wearing newly treated leather cuirasses, barrels of fletched arrows, and just about anything else you could imagine finding in one of these places.

"I'm looking for the following items, specifically." Teric said simply, sliding a neatly folded piece of parchment across the counter towards the merchant. "I can imagine they'll be expensive, but I'm interested in finding out just how expensive...

Scrawled on the parchment in a rough hand was the veteran's list...

Mythril Fencing sword with Prevalida Basket Hilt (http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee58/SassLinka/sword.jpg)
Mythril Haubergeon (http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee58/SassLinka/armor.jpg) - waist length chainmail shirt with short sleeves)

Slayer of the Rot
03-02-08, 03:48 PM
Cyril picked up the slip of paper and scowled at it for a few moments, then brightened. This was going to net him a decent amount of gold, this customer.

"Ah. A normal mythril fencing sword would just be eight hunnert crowns, but the prevalida brings us problem. With that added, the price jumps up to a thousand, three hunnert and forty crowns. It'd be a beautiful sword, though. Great in handling, too. The haubergeon...in mythril, I can give it to you for seven hunnert and fifty crowns. If that sounds good to you, I can produce them immediately. BAGLEY!!!"

Cyril kicked the cabinet under the counter and the little sack came tumbling out.

03-02-08, 05:19 PM
1340, and 750... Teric's eyes rolled up and to the right as he tallied the figures in his head. The prevalida had proven more expensive than he'd imagined, and the total was a sizable chunk of his small fortune. That said, he had figured as much before even walking into the Bazaar...

"Say I gave you an even 2000 crowns for the lot?" Teric replied in a friendly yet business-like manner, discounting in his offer the 90 crowns over that in the original sum. Merchants tended to pad their prices anyways, so the warrior didn't feel any qualms over shorting the man a measly 90 crowns... "I figure at that amount you still make a respectable profit."

Slayer of the Rot
03-02-08, 05:34 PM
"Whatever works," Cyril shrugged, and snatched Bagley off the floor. The little sack swelled and glowed, muttering under it's breath.

"Oi! Spit it out!" First came the sword, which launched from the familiar's mouth with enough force to embed it into the counter. Now scowling deeply, the merchant shook him harder until the haubergeon slid out. Carelessly, he tossed Bagley away, and now the bag spoke, screaming loud curses.

"Well, here you go," Cyril announced, pulling the sword effortlessly from the splintered wood, and straightened the haubergeon out and presented both to the customer.

"That'll be two thousand crowns."

03-02-08, 07:50 PM
Teric blinked and eyed 'Bagley' with interest, wondering where someone might acquire something like that... it... him... whatever...

The sword Teric admired lovingly before hefting it gingerly. The cold blue of the prevalida basket hilt enclosed and protected his sword hand perfectly, and the clean white of the mythril blade was a joy to turn in the light and watch as the rays bounced off it. The haubergeon was a little flatter to look at, considering that the mythril for the armor was less polished than that of the blade, but the lightweight feel of the strong armor was all the satisfaction Teric required...

Both items back on the counter, Teric opened the heavy sides of his jacket and began fetching small burlap pouches from the large interior pockets. Each pouch jingled with the melody of the coins contained within, and each jingled to the same tune. The tune of 200 coins apiece. Counted and verified.

"My friends tell me I shouldn't carry so much money around with me." Teric said off-handedly to the merchant. Ten pouches sat neatly on the counter beside the items the veteran wished to purchase. "Course, doesn't really matter if I'm just going to spend it all..."

"We settled?"

Slayer of the Rot
03-03-08, 05:54 AM
"Perfectly." Cyril sat back down and waited until the customer had left before a wide grin stretched his lips. He split the moneybags the old man had left with a dagger, and shoved his hands into the gleaming contents.

"Gold is the most beautiful thing in the world."

[Bloodrose gains the following:
-Mythril Fencing sword with Prevalida Basket Hilt
-Mythril Haubergeon
-50 exp

And loses the following:
-2000 gp]