View Full Version : Werewolves or Vampires?

The Writing Writer
02-02-08, 01:36 AM
Which do you prefer and why? And ofcourse, which do you think is stronger?

In a little known pc game I have called, " Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines ", they dipict werewolves as being savage beasts that can tear apart entire posse's of vampires, so my vote is for werewolves. What about you?

The trail off subject a bit, the game is amazing and is definately worth a try. It came out just before Half-Life did, and was used to test out Half-Life's gameplay engine. The game itself has everything. Third person combat, FPS elements, RPG, survival horror and puzzle solving elements. The gameplay is fun and challenging and the story is compelling and always keeps you guessing till the very end. And with different outcomes to every situation, different conversations depending on ur gender and class, 6 different character types of vampires you can be and 5 different endings, the replay value alone is worth buying it. The only problem is the company that made it was shut down shortly after it's release and it's no longer sold in stores. Your best bet is to buy it like I did, from ebay.

02-02-08, 01:45 AM
heh, well considering one of my alt accounts is a vampire. but thats just because i feel that her story is stronger than my last werewolf character.

as far as which one is better....theres too many emo vampires to consider them as being that "cool"....

02-02-08, 01:58 AM
vampires - see I am Legend (the book, not the movie)
also interview with the vampire

werewolves are just big dogs

The Writing Writer
02-02-08, 02:02 AM
Interview with a vampire was an amazing film. Truly captures the essence of what it would be like to have existed for so long without seeing the sun. And thats only a minor part of the movie. The game I mentioned has an awesome and realistic view of how life would be like for vampires in modern times. And I do love vampires mind you, i just feel like werewolves have so much potential. i mean, they are still human half the time. Lord knows what kind of inner struggle they go through.

02-02-08, 02:16 AM
I think that all monsters with a partially "human" nature have to have the constant struggle of "man vs. beast."

02-02-08, 07:11 AM
Don't make me choose. I love them both, but leaning more towards werewolves.


Then again, vampires are also cool in a different kind of way...

Aeraul Smythe
02-02-08, 07:28 AM
Where the hell is the humans are superior! option?

Also: It varies depending on the setting, along with the fandom and the amount of effort put into them. Stereotypical Ricean vampires make me want to tear out my intestines and strangle a goth with them while chanting out the song that never ends in a fine, soothing bass. Werewolves are generally much easier to tolerate provided they aren't like the type seen in Blood and Chocolate. Which made me want to do even worse things to people, most of which involved several boxes of thin spaghetti noodles, a laundry hamper and a ripe tomato.

It also helps, in either case, if the monster in question is...y'know...a monster. As opposed to a flawless sexual T-Rex lusting for its cousin, or an excuse for furry porn.

Corvus MacCallum
02-02-08, 07:30 AM
Were-wolves though apart from Dog Soldiers and small segments of Van Helsing they haven't had very good film apperances.

Vampires are usually just fops or intensely bored mopers.

Vampiric Angel
02-02-08, 08:43 AM
also interview with the vampire

I'm one of the biggest fans of vampires and I even thought that book was boring. Anne Rice did nothing but repeat the same thing over and over. Lonely, lonely, dark depression, lonely, oh the despair, lonely lonely. I mean, I understand the point of thinking you're alone and that reflects your mood, but come on, after a couple decades you should be fine..

But yeah, I like vampires. Not the mopy ones, the dark seductive, 'take you in their eternal embrace', vampires. Which is why I'm planning on writing a Vampire novel sooner or later.

Call me J
02-02-08, 09:17 AM
werewolves are just big dogs

Amen brotha.

02-02-08, 09:20 AM
Are you fucking serious VA? The first book in the vampire chronicles, "Interview with the Vampire," was the probably one of the best books I've ever read. Lets not even go into how Rice was probably the first person to really tell what life would be like as the vampire. The first book was not that repetitive; it was beautifully written.

Then the other books came out. They then got gradually worse. God, I stopped at Tale of the Body Thief. It was just too bad.

Seriously though, Interview was revolutionary. Although I liked the movie better because Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise were really good in it.

Now, if we want to get into what's better, neither really. I've played Bloodlines, it's not a great game. It lags terribly, and not even by the fault of computer. It's made that way.

Not to mention you quickly realize it's not an RPG so much as a FPS with a few vampire powers.

It would've been a great game if they had finished the damn thing. But the frame rate is absolutely terrible, especially in combat. God knows how many times something jumped out at me so fast I couldn't react, because the game froze and started with the enemy behind me.

02-02-08, 09:53 AM
I didn't like Interview as much as I liked Lestat, although I wasn't a fan of that to begin with. Rice's vampires are whiny bastards that power trip from time to time, and it gets annoying.

02-02-08, 10:17 AM
Werewolves are too carnal. Vampires are svelte! I just hate the way they get so exploited in teen fiction and romance novels these days. It's all vampire trysts and illegitimate vampire lovers and sexy vampire hotties in school . . . blah.

02-02-08, 10:26 AM
I think in a fight, werewolves are superior. They're primal, they're vicious and they give into their basest of what used to be human instincts. I've always been amazed on how destructive they can be in the right environment, and when facing off with a vampire, I think a werewolf would usually have the upper hand. Vampires might be unique and more civilized then the wolfish creatures, but when you boil right down to it they're essentially people with a god complex and an overbite, and I've never liked that one bit.

Something about people in stories losing control and reverting back to their primal instincts, I think that is far more exotic and wholesome than the latter. ;)

02-02-08, 11:38 AM
I've played through Bloodlines a couple of times, and while the glitches and the bugs don't make the game entirely unplayable, they definitely detract from it. I didn't have the problem of the game freaking out during battle and ending up with the enemy behind me, but I've definitely seen a fair share of lag, moments when the controls become unresponsive, and worst of all there is one point in v1.00 of the game where you have to MANUALLY ADVANCE TO THE NEXT LEVEL USING THE DEBUG COMMAND LINE!

Yeah - having to do that because the game froze every time you tried to exit the level was damn annoying.

Kudos on the thought behind the game, boo on the execution.

And I voted for vampires just because I think they are more interesting. Werewolves and dealing with your primal instincts is cool and all, but there is only so much depth there. The same amount of depth that goes hand-in-hand with primal instincts. With vampires you get the same level of depth that makes humans interesting, plus some.

02-02-08, 12:10 PM
I thought Vampires were Emo humans who's afraid of sunlight and has indigestion?

:rolleyes: :p :D

Werewolves FTW

02-02-08, 12:39 PM
If everything you know about vampires has been derived from "The Queen of the Damned" or "Underworld", then sure, vampires are emo piles of worthlessness.

Medieval and European myth and folklore, however, offer a much better view of the vampire than modern pop-culture could ever hope to.

02-02-08, 01:41 PM
Vampires are svelte! I just hate the way they get so exploited in teen fiction and romance novels these days. It's all vampire trysts and illegitimate vampire lovers and sexy vampire hotties in school . . . blah.


Agree wholeheartedly there. Honestly, I've found more often than not that both vampires and werewolves annoy the hell out fo me. Again, it's probably because the concept is overused and slapped onto teenage angst and packaged up into something horribly boring to watch.

If it can be done right - and done REALLY, REALLY well - than I'd have to pick werewolves over vampires.

02-02-08, 02:16 PM
If everything you know about vampires has been derived from "The Queen of the Damned" or "Underworld", then sure, vampires are emo piles of worthlessness.I resent that remark! If there was anything that Underworld taught us, it's that vampires are steaming hot if they're played by Kate Beckinsale.

But werewolves obviously > vampires.

The Writing Writer
02-02-08, 02:20 PM
Are you fucking serious VA? The first book in the vampire chronicles, "Interview with the Vampire," was the probably one of the best books I've ever read. Lets not even go into how Rice was probably the first person to really tell what life would be like as the vampire. The first book was not that repetitive; it was beautifully written.

Then the other books came out. They then got gradually worse. God, I stopped at Tale of the Body Thief. It was just too bad.

Seriously though, Interview was revolutionary. Although I liked the movie better because Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise were really good in it.

Now, if we want to get into what's better, neither really. I've played Bloodlines, it's not a great game. It lags terribly, and not even by the fault of computer. It's made that way.

Not to mention you quickly realize it's not an RPG so much as a FPS with a few vampire powers.

It would've been a great game if they had finished the damn thing. But the frame rate is absolutely terrible, especially in combat. God knows how many times something jumped out at me so fast I couldn't react, because the game froze and started with the enemy behind me.

Huh. I've never had problems with lag before. :confused:

EDIT:: With the exception of one or two cut scenes where one character would glide across the floor as opposed to walking. =P

02-02-08, 02:36 PM

I would have to say that vampires. Aren't these two mortal enemies in literature? Well, considering that werewolves have massive strength and vampires can actually fly, added with some other gimmicks they can do such as "walking through mirrors" I lean on Vampires.

They both have the potential to transform their victims into their realm. But it would probably be easier to kill a werewolf with a silver bullet, rather than a close rage attack with a wooden (whatever they are called)-stick into the heart. What I am saying is, that I would rather fight against a walking, vicious, strong beast, Than a flying, cunning and tricky vampire.

I think Vampires are more specific and have much more tricks down their sleeves.

02-03-08, 04:48 PM
Which do you prefer and why? And ofcourse, which do you think is stronger?

What have you done!?

02-03-08, 04:50 PM
Vampires. F'reals.

Especially C. Thomas Flood and Jody from "Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story" and "You Suck: A Love Story", both by Christopher Moore.

The Writing Writer
02-03-08, 09:22 PM
What have you done!?

With any luck, started a thread that will carry on and on and on for all eternity.

hmmhmmhmm hahahaha MUA! HAHAHAHHA!!!

Slayer of the Rot
02-04-08, 11:40 PM
Vampires are faggified no matter what. The only good vampire this site ever saw was Raspien, because he fell back onto some of the more traditional shit.

Anyways, I'm not voting for either. I haven't seen or read anything in the past twenty years that would make me consider either one worth my time.

Besides, a Saraelian Demon could shred them both.

02-04-08, 11:57 PM
ah slayer, I'm hurt, i thought you liked Tera (my vampire)...oh well. honestly though, interview pretty much sucked. I liked lestat in queen of the damned (the movie) but as fare as much else.

Bram Stoker. or I, Strahad (sp?) both were excellent pieces of vampire lore. as far as werewolf films, I love the Ginger snaps movies, even though they can be sort of b rated sometimes. or dog soldiers, and dang there were some others that i just adored.

as far as vampires and werewolves in my anime experiences, I thought that vampire hunter D : blood lust was just amazing as far as being about true romance, then there is hellsing which may or may not be your cup of tea, but it actually contains both vampires and werewolves.

02-05-08, 12:20 AM
Besides, a Saraelian Demon could shred them both.

I spy with my little eye something that begins with Mary Sue.

The Emerald Hind
02-05-08, 12:55 AM
My vote goes for the werewolves. At least they're still living... The whole necrophilia thing has me a might disturbed.

Seriously, though, werewolves in my way of thinking aren't nearly as brutish as they are portrayed. They are human at least half the time, as previously mentioned, but as wolves they have human intelligence, even if it is often overridden by animal instincts. Package that with enhanced senses and strength, and you have an efficient killer. That, and their activities aren't restricted by the the presence of sunlight. They only have to stay away from the silver.

(Anyone who loves werewolves really needs to read Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Underworld series, particularly Bitten.)

Sure, vampires can probably regenerate and all, but it doesn't matter much when you're being shredded to bits. All a vamp can do is bite, and maybe claw... Ouch. Although, they do beat out on the whole eternal life thing.

Eh, I'm just not a vampy fan, though.

Caden Law
02-05-08, 02:23 AM
I spy with my little eye something that begins with Mary Sue.
*Holds up a 9.5*

Storm Veritas
02-06-08, 08:49 AM
Depends on whose version of the vampire or werewolf it is, I guess.

Typically, I think of werewolves being a little cooler, just because I envision them being absolutely SAVAGE. More brutal, more ruthless, more out of control.

More fun.

02-10-08, 03:27 AM
Amen brotha.

I may disown you for that. I'm a werewolf.

Werewolves. Kurtadam. Loup garou. The Spawn of Lycaon and the Children of St. Christopher. We rock out loud.

There's yet to be a good werewolf movie that I've seen, which makes me sad.

I know you're talking about the V:tM PC game, but it's based off the tabletop game from White Wolf. They've got a tabletop called Werewolf. I believe it's in Werewolf: The Forsaken now, but I played Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Ragabash Silent Strider, baby. *hip thrust*

When it comes to the whole paranormal fiction and paranormal romance cult, vampires are a major dominator. The last really great werewolf book I read was Moon Called by Patricia Briggs. A little bit of romance, but no near-smut scenes or seemingly randomly timed sex mentioning. A very far cry from Laurell K. Hamilton, though I do adore the woman. Briggs addressed something that I had always thought about. In the male dominated pack form, what's the place and "penalties" to being a gay male werewolf? Kyle and Warren forever, baby! It was also looking at werewolf society through the eyes of another predator shifter, in this case a coyote Skinwalker. The Skinwalker legends are another of my favorites. One of these days I will sneak my happy ass into the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, dammit!

Along the lines of paranormal, any other Althanians listen to Coast to Coast AM?

Liquid Ice
02-19-08, 02:43 AM
Well I've played both, I've written both and I like both. I agree it has to go by version though.

Interview with a Vampire was just... egh. I dunno. I couldn't even finish it. I will get due credit to the movie though. But ANY film where a blond Tom Cruise perfectly fits that part is... well downright creepy to be honest.

I do like the original Dracula and have read it many times. Much <3 to the count. BUT the hands down winner of my personal favorite rendition of any werewolf or vampire has to go to...

Hideyuki Kikuchi's Vampire Hunter D series. And I do mean the books, though the movies are each awesome in their own, separate ways. If you like vampires and can get your hands on the English translations of the novels, usually found in the manga section not novels, do it! His vision of a futuristic, vampire preyed upon world is just... brutally gorgeous and unflinchingly realistically violent. Imho that is how vampires, and a world dominated by vampires, should be. Harsh and unforgiving.

Just a friendly warning though, that entire series is patently R rated. Not for the kiddies or squeamish.

Moonlit Raven
02-21-08, 07:03 PM
I vote for vampires simply because my favorite char to write with is half vampire, but truthfully I find both equally worthy. Yeah sure vampires have the suave and smoozing moves to sweep you off your feet and into their moody, blood thirsty arms to state their unholy lusts, but, Weres just plan kick ass. Nothing does as much damage and looks as cool as a werewolf when they are tearing through ranks of mortals too stupid to get out of the way.

02-21-08, 07:18 PM
werewolves when done right are pretty good^^ I do like them better than vampires^^ I just love it when they have tails. yeah I'm kinda biased but they just are more fun than vamps, especially the modern emo vamps.

02-23-08, 09:55 PM
I was gonna say both but then i thought to put em together and I came out with a Werepire...half werewolf, half vampire.

Which in my opinion would look bad-ass if you imagined it like I did.

But if I had to choose it would definently have to be werewolves because their part beast, and they can't control themselves at times. It promotes a challenge :D

And besides, being a Vampire is too easy, there are plenty of drunks wandering around at night to steal blood from. :)

Sighter Tnailog
02-24-08, 03:17 AM
When I played Morrowind, my level 80 character ate vampires for breakfast. Then I ran into a werewolf. My face will never be the same again.

Werewolves all the way. They are fucking monstrous.

EDIT: Streak, werepire? Why not werepyre? Human by day, burning burial mound by the light of the full moon.

The Writing Writer
02-24-08, 05:38 AM
Yeah that's the thing with Vampires and Werewolves.

With vampires, they have their abilities all night every night forever, so they aren't as potent.

For Werewolves, they only transform once a month, so all those 29 days (give or take a few) are piled into one night of blind, furious carnage.

Liquid Ice
02-24-08, 05:16 PM
I was gonna say both but then i thought to put em together and I came out with a Werepire...half werewolf, half vampire.

Which in my opinion would look bad-ass if you imagined it like I did.

But if I had to choose it would definently have to be werewolves because their part beast, and they can't control themselves at times. It promotes a challenge :D

And besides, being a Vampire is too easy, there are plenty of drunks wandering around at night to steal blood from. :)

Just make sure that your half and half creature is more badass than the wuss in the Underworld movies....