View Full Version : Discretion...

01-25-08, 04:23 AM
...is the greater part of valor.

It had long disturbed Sakurazuka Anila that should her fans be insufficient to protect her, she would be dead. Fortunately, she had never encountered any such situation outside of her Dajas Pagoda arena, but there would come a day when she would not be so fortunate.

Thus, the short, slender Akashiman made her way through the market, ignoring the commotion that every day commerce necessitated. She passed the weapons shops and the clothing shops. She was after something very specific, and stepped into the most reputable armory shop she could find.

She saw various shields and suits of armor arranged around the shop, as well as chainmail shirts. She was after such a thing, but she wanted something specific, if basic. She just hoped that the shopkeep would be able to oblige.

Moonlit Raven
01-26-08, 02:10 PM
"...watch the balance and don't forget to add the gems supplied to the hilt, I don't want that nobleman in here to complain about the work. Nothing kills business faster than a irate noble." I smiled and patted Haldis on the back as the blacksmith studied the sketch supplied.

Tugging on the collar and cuffs of the leather armor I wore to move a bit of air between my now faintly sticky skin the stifling leather I headed for the front of the shop. In the door way I paused, surprised that a doll of a woman waited.

"Good day. I am sorry for the delay, I hope you haven't been waiting for very long. I'm Elena what can I help you with today?" I greeted as I hurried forward.

01-27-08, 01:27 PM
Anila almost raised an eyebrow as the shopkeep came out to greet her. She could have sworn she'd gone into a different shop than where she'd tried to purchase a deadly parasol, and yet this same merchant had greeted her. She was silent for a few moments, trying to reconcile the differences in shops with the same merchant, but decided that it wasn't worth the trouble if she could get what she wanted this time.

"I would like a mythril chainmail shirt of as good a quality I can get for thirteen hundred fifty gold, preferably something that can fit under what I am wearing now."

She spread her arms slightly, showing off the form-fitting but not tight garment she wore when she didn't feel like going to the trouble of putting on her kimono.

Moonlit Raven
01-29-08, 11:05 PM
"A fitted chainmail shirt, Haldis is going to love this challenge." Elena smiled to herself as she rounded the counter with a tape measure in hand to take the woman's measurements.

"Getting the shirt built will not be a problem." Elena hesitated for a moment as she thought over the difference in craftsmanship and the price ranges. "For the amount of gold you have excellent quality is the best you can get, it comes out to 1,335 gold. A quarter of the payment is due up front and the rest when it done. " Elena said distractedly as she quickly wrote out the order and information on a sheet of paper. Pulling out two other sheets of paper Elena filled out the receipts and handed both to the lady.

"Please sign both papers, one is for you, the other I'll keep for records. Also, I'm not sure how long it will take Haldis to complete the chainmail shirt. It could be complete tomorrow or in three days, if you would leave the name of a place where I can send a message it would be easier on both parties."

01-29-08, 11:51 PM
Anila stood perfectly still as the woman took her measurements, then laid four hundred gold on the counter, noting to herself to let Hissomi know to have the other 935 set aside for when she was called back to the shop.

She signed the papers swiftly, writing in the letters of the Common tongue, rather than in the graceful kanji of Akashima. For her place of residence, she indicated the Dajas Pagoda, Sakurazuka Arena.

"I will return when your messenger comes. Arigato."

That said, she turned and left the shop. She did still have an arena to manage, despite the fact that it was her day off.

Moonlit Raven
02-01-08, 10:02 PM
It wasn't until the woman departed that I remembered meeting her some months before. Shaking my head slightly I moved the gold to a secure place and took the newest project to Haldis. As I expected, Haldis was thrilled to receive a project that called for such exacting measurements. Leaving the over-grown boy to his toys I headed out to find my Wards and see what they were up too.

4 days later

Sakurazuka Anila,

The item you commissioned is complete. Please have the final payment ready at time of pick up. A secondary fitting would be wise to make fine adjustments for the sizing but is not necessary. Have a pleasant day.

02-06-08, 01:38 AM
It had been inconvenient for Anila to leave her arena at the hour she had received the letter, so she went out the next day with the remainder of the payment and her half of the receipt in tow.

She wasted only a moment in pleasantries, since doubtlessly the merchant had better things to do with her time than spend in idle conversation with a customer.

"Good morning. I hope the day finds you well."

Holding out the note she'd been sent the previous afternoon, she moved straight to business. "I believe a final fitting is desired?"

Moonlit Raven
02-08-08, 10:30 PM
"Good morning. If you'll wait just a moment I'll get the suit from Haldis. He was muttering something about smoothing the links earlier." It took me only a few moments to steal the item from Haldis' unwilling hands and return to the counter.

"Here we go. There is a room to the right where you can try on the mythril suit, if there are any places that are too tight or too loose for your liking just note them so I can inform Haldis. Fixing it will take under a hour."

02-08-08, 11:38 PM
Anila took the chain shirt into the back room, slipping on a thin cotton shirt before pulling the lightweight armor on and then re-donning her outer garment. Nothing bunched uncomfortably, the links laid smoothly in their places.

She ran through an exercise designed to test the full range of motion for every part of her torso, and found her movements unimpeded. And given the strength of the material, it was worth every piece of gold she was paying.

She came out with the armor still on under her shirt, setting the rest of the payment on the counter.

"The armor is most satisfactory. Please send my compliments to the smith."

Moonlit Raven
02-10-08, 12:30 AM
On pins and needles I waited for Anila to return from her fitting. I wondered just how well Haldis had done without the person here to fit the suit against as he built it inch by inch.

"I'll make sure Haldis knows just that." I smiled at her, hurrying to the door I held it open for her as I bid her to have a good day.

Transaction complete. Anila loses 1335 GP and gains 100 EXP for good IC interactions.