View Full Version : The god like king.(open)

Lord zin
01-21-08, 01:07 PM
“Long before the Valeena royal family There was once a mighty king who ruled the lands of the scara brae. He ruled a horde of warriors that craved battle. For many years the king was unmatched. He weald a holy axe, and magic armor that almost assured him victory. Many tribes, or other kings tried to defeat him for the rules of his land, but all failed, and with each defeated challenger the kings treachery grew more, and more. No one ever could defeat the “God like King” as he later was known, but atlas he was human, and age takes its toll on all men. Not even the God like king could stop this, and was finely bested by old age. It is said that the king, and all his treasures’ were buried deep in an underground tome protected by the kings best men.” The words read in a large old book, that laid on a wooden table in a library located in the scara brae. Damen stood over the book looking at a pitcher of a large man sitting on a throne holding in one hand a large goblet, and in the other a large axe.

“so, just to make sure I got it. You want me to got into this underground tome, and get you something?” Damen asked a old man sitting in a chair on the other side of the table. The old man nodded, and said. “not just anything my friend. I want that goblet” Pointing to it in the pitcher. “why the goblet. From what you’ve told me this guy was rich, and had all kinds of powerful stuff, so what’s so special about this goblet.?” He asked the old man, who looked angrily at Damen after he asked. “You ask to many questions boy. Now if you don’t like the job others can be hired. Now you have not let me finishes anything you find down in the tomb is yours, and who every you bring with you to keep. Every thing but the goblet, and I don’t you dare return with out it. “the old man got up from his chair, and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper which he threw on the table. He then turn and began to walk way.

Damen looked down at the paper. He could not help but wonder what was so special about the cup. He looked back at the pitcher. It looked like any other goblet. He picked up the paper, and stuck it inside his robe. He turned and walked out of the room which led into the main area. He walked down a row of books, and past a desk where a small woman sat. She watched Damen as he walked out the door and out into the busy streets. He did not really know where he was going, but guessed the paper was a map. He walked down the street heading for the east gate. The old man had told him that he had hired someone else to help him retrieve the idem, and that the two of them should meet there.

Damen walked past the Two guards talking to each other. The gate had been busy unloading the cargo, and goods they had received that morning. He was to meet his team mate. He was not really sure on which side, so he just leaned up against a wall to wait. Damen pondered what kind of mission this would turn out to be. There would more then likely be deadly traps, or some kind of beast. Just then he remembered something he had read in that book the old man had laid out before him.

“protected by the kings best men?” He stated out load. Not really asking, but just now getting it. “O’god I hope that does not mean there will be undead knights, or something”. Damen was not a big fan of the undead. The way he saw it was that the dead should stay dead. The though of dead warrior guy made him shiver a bit.

After surging off the idea of the undead by repeating the though “every thing burns” he began to thing, and relies he had no idea where this place was. He reached into his rode, and began to feel around for the rolled up paper. Once finding it he pulled it out and unrolled it. Just as he had thought it was a map. It was a bit blurry, but he could make every thing out. From the east gate and head for Valeena Lake, from there they must find the stream that leads through Brokenthorn Forest, and fallow that to Neverscale Beach. Some where on the shore line should be a cave, or that’s what the map said. It looked like this would be a dangerous trip. He hoped who ever this guy was, he would be able to handle himself.

01-25-08, 02:15 AM
Four days earlier...

A long yawn grew from the feline's maw as she rested her head in her hand. The old man had been giving her the spiel of the job for close to ten minutes. Her other hand idly flipped through the pages of the book, stopping only when he slammed his fist on the table.

“Are you even listening to me?” his voice resonated with a firm hint of agitation.

Her mismatched eyes glanced up to meet his as her tail twitched.

“Yeah...so the basics of it is that you want a goblet thats probably got some kind of fancy power that you're hoping to gain....gotcha...” she spoke with disdain for such lengthy meetings.

The old man grumbled to himself before sliding a piece of paper across the table.

“take it or leave it Missy....” he growled before turning and walking farther back into the room.

She glanced over the paper relatively quickly before pocketing it. She was going to have to wait a while more on this island before she could return to the mainland.

~ ~ ~

The smell of fresh manure burned her sensitive nostrils making her ears lay back and her lips curl into a sneer. She had woken late today simply because she had gotten tired of waiting for who ever the old man had hired to go with her. Not that she needed it, but she figured that it was the same with other clients she had had, that they simply wanted some kind of insurance against being double crossed.

She was just inside the gate when she stopped and removed a sucker from her pocket, quickly removing the wrapper and sticking it in her mouth.

“Gods I hope that old bastard found someone today....” she muttered around the sucker as she began walking again. She passed beyond the gate an looked around, spotting a lone human looking over a familiar piece of parchment. She approached him at a fairly hurried pace.

“Please tell me your the sucker that has to escort me to Valeena Lake?"

Lord zin
01-25-08, 03:32 PM
Damen continued to look down at the map that the old man had given him. He was no longer looking at the set course but rather the other spots on the map to pass the time.

“Please tell me your the sucker that has to escort me to Valeena Lake?"

Damen looked up from the map to see who had addressed him. He saw a cat-like women. This was the first time he had ever seen a person like this and it kind of shocked him. He began to roll up the paper, and once done he put it back him his rode. He stared at her with a raised brow.

“well that all depends on if you’re the person that is to come with me to receive that cup.” he said still looking her over. He knew she was, but it could not hurt to ask.

He walked around behind her and let out a small laugh. “Uh. Well look at that: a Tail” he said looking down at her tail. She turned to him, but he did not give her time to say anything. “A few things first. One” he said holding up his hand with the index finger out to indicate one. “I’m not a sucker. I am a very strong fire mage that could cook you alive with out thinking twice. Two” He continued holding up two fingers. “before we set off on our little quest I need to know every thing you know about the old man, and the goblet.”

He put his arm back to his side, and put on a smile still a little surprised that standing before him was a cat women

01-25-08, 11:11 PM
A nod answered his first question, though her tail twitched as he began to circle her. The statement about her tail made her eyes narrow, the mans lack of experience and of course manners around things he didn't know began to seat a bit of doubt in her about his reliability as a companion.

Not that it really mattered, Kell knew what she was capable of herself, and figured that either way she was probably going to end up doing most of the work.

She let out a yawn as she listened to him go on with his statement and demand. When her companion's speech was finally over she smiled and stepped closer to him holding up her hand in front of her.

With a small wave of her fingers she let an arch of electricity ark across them, “Well that makes two of us....” she said with a malicious smile before walking on past him.

She waved for him to follow as she began down the road towards Valeena Lake.

She was a little curious about this fire mage that she was paired with, but not enough to keep her from trying to get the job done. As for what she knew about the old man and the goblet, she really didn't care. Knowledge of either wasn't really of importance to the job.

Lord zin
02-04-08, 08:06 PM
Just as he thought she was his partner. As soon as he had finished talking, she stepped closer to him, and held up her hand with two finger out. Instincts told him to step back, but he pushed them out of his mind and watched as a small shock went between her two fingers.

“Well that makes two of us....” She said with a impish smile, as she walked past him. He turned and watched as he walked out of the gate. He felt like doing a little goofy mocking dance and chanting. “look at me I’m a thunder mage”, But now was nether the time nor place to do that. She waved for him to come get the lead out, and like a obedient mutt he did.

She had not answered his question about what she knew about the quest that they were sent on, But the idea had left him as he followed her down the set trail that lead to the lake. He was still amazed that he was partnered with a cat person. Where he was from you did not see to many races other then human, and elf. He watched as her tail moved back and forth as she walked. Before long she had stopped, and the fire mage found himself looking out over one of the most beautiful sites he had ever seen. The sound of people, and birds rang in Damen’s ears.

“Wow” He muttered looking out over the lake. “we don’t have anything like this where I come from” He looked at her still in awl. Where he was from the only lakes were frozen, and unsafe. Any fishing was done on the sores of the large sea, and that was not done very often for beging by the sea was dangerous.

“Well, where to next?” he asked forgetting that he had the map. [/COLOR]

02-09-08, 03:49 AM
"Dargon, will you shut up!" All I'm saying is that I told you not to eat those strange berries , Dargon said as Franklin was walking towards the gates, it gave you the runs. "I am so glad no one can hear you," Franklin whispered under his breath.

Franklin fell in to the lake while talking to Dargon. Dargon thought it was hilarious, even though he was wet. You have got to be your fathers son , Dargon laughed, remember the time he accidentally blew up that tree and it landed on your outhouse when you where near it? "I'd rather not talk about it," Franklin said through gritted teeth. Franklin walked angrily near the river.

Franklin was cursing under his breath and looking down so that he wasn't paying attention where he was walking and ran into a woman. As he fell Dargon fell out of his back pack and on the ground. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Franklin felt horrible for ramming into the girl, and quickly got up to help her, thus Dargon fell out completely. "I'm sorry, I’m sor-you have a tail?"

02-10-08, 05:28 PM
The trek to Valeena lake had been rather uneventful. Her companion had stayed behind her, which she found to be at least a little unnerving as anyone who has ever been a predator knows that following someone is just as close to stalking prey as any normal person could get.

From what Kell could figure, the human was either afraid or completely non trusting of her. Not that it mattered, she would possibly end up shoving him into a deep hole if he caused her too much trouble.

His words as they stopped for a moment brought only the pain of his stupidity to her mind. She closed her eyes and dramatically face palmed herself.

“...You did not just ask that?” she said, but her motion to turn to him was cut short with the sudden impact of another person slamming into her.

Her breath was slightly knocked from her as she began to get up, the human that had ran into her was apologizing graciously, which was the only redeeming thing he had going at the moment.

A deep growl escaped her as she stood, dusting herself off as glared at both of the males.

“I must be surrounded by hicks...” she said just loud enough to sound as if she was trying to say it under her breath, but still easily heard by them. “it's not like things without tails are that uncommon.”

Kell let out a long sigh as she removed her hat and brushed back her hair before returning it.

“How the hell do I know which way to go, you're the genius with the map....”

Lord zin
02-10-08, 08:08 PM
“...You did not just ask that?” She asked as she stared to turn towards him, but was slammed into by a boy. The boy quickly rushed to his feet and unloaded a flurry or apologies. Damen could not help but laugh at the question the boy blurted out while trying to apologies.

“you have a tail?" were the words the boy spoke. It made Damen feel good to know he was not the only one to be surprised by it. “See, it is weird that you have a tail……even if you are a cat chick” he said in a half laugh. “I must be surrounded by hicks...it's not like things without tails are that uncommon.” She said where they could hear, but at the same time to herself. Damen retaliated with “well he seems to think so” he said pointing to the boy. He was still smiling a big smile.

The girl let out a long sigh as she removed her hat and brushed back her hair before returning it.
“How the hell do I know which way to go, you're the genius with the map....” Damen scratched his head. “I do” he said forgetting that he did have the map. “OOOO, I do, don’t I” he laughed loudly, and slapped the boy on the back. At that point he stopped laughing, and looked at the boy with a serious face. “my bad dude, who I have no idea who his name is”

He looked away from the boy, face still serious face, and reached into his rode and felt around for the roll of paper. He pulled it out, and unrolled it. After looking at it for a few moments, he turned the paper around so he was no longer looking at it upside down. “ok, ok. According to this map there should be a small stream leading out to the south, and we should take that” he said proudly putting the map back in his robe.

02-11-08, 07:56 PM
Franklin had not paid much attention to the others when they where talking, just wondering where they were going from human curiosity. "See it is weird that you have a tail....even if you are a cat chick," said the man next to her. A cat chick? Dargon asked. Oh, oh, let me see! "Shut up Dargon," Franklin said under his breath.

“I must be surrounded by hicks..,” her voice was cut off by Dargon. Did she just call you a chick? “I will melt you,” Franklin snapped at him. Realizing Dargon was on the ground, he picked Dargon up.

Franklin was still over hearing their conversation, “well he seems to think so.” Franklin missed what he was talking about, but was pointed at, so he guessed it was towards him. “How the hell am I supposed to know, you have the map,” the woman said. “I do,” said the man puzzled, “OOOO, I do, don’t I?” Franklin felt this large hand smack on his back. Ha, ha, you okay man? “Yes I’m fine,” he said angrily, “now shush.”

“My bad dude, who I have no idea who his name is,” Said the man. “It’s Franklin Link, pleased to meet you,” but Franklin didn’t say it fast enough. “Ok, ok, according to this map, there should be a small stream leading out to the south, and we should take that,” the man said, not really paying attention to Franklin. Before the man put the map away, Dargon got a glimpse of it, Holy monkey captain ham baskets! “Good freaking lord, Dargon, what is it?!?” Franklin wasn’t as discrete with that statement. That’s the map to the former god like king person's, whose name escapes me, tomb! “What’s two adventurers' like you two doing with a former god like king’s map?” Franklin asked suspiciously. “You two are grave robbers aren’t you?” Franklin readied Dargon.

02-13-08, 11:32 PM
The lids around her white eye twitched along with her upper lip before rolling into a momentary sneer.

I swear, one more stupidity around here and I'm going to sell his corpse...

Kell's ears twitched softly as she listened to both of males. Her companion seemed rather incompetent and the new arrival seemed to have Schizophrenia. Her stay on Scara Brae had been one long downward spiral into hell. Almost everyone she had to work with seemed to be handicapped in some way, then again she figured that maybe that was why it was called the island of beginnings.

Her eyes shifted quickly from her copilot to their eavesdropper as he spoke up suddenly about their destination. His actions soon turned from apologetic to aggressive as if a switch had been flicked.

On reaction her foot slid out to the side, her hands held up in a wide boxing stance as her eyes turned to slits. Her tail stood rigid as she spoke.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that hillbilly?”

Her lips were curled into a wide snarl as a deep growl bellowed from her chest. A few sparks of electricity bounced across her knuckles as she waited to see if he was going to make a move.

06-13-09, 02:33 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.