View Full Version : Why not spend?

12-20-07, 10:22 PM
It took me awhile to find the store in the Bazaar's busy streets. Finally I located the shop-- a medium sized place that sold many things, with a focus on clothing and weapons. I knew it to be a reliable place, for I purchased my prevaldia bayonet there some time prior. In returning I hoped for the same excellent service and bargaining I had been treated to the first time.

I tipped the shopkeeper a nod and began browsing the clothing shelves. I had some specific articles in mind and took my time examining the garments. I found what I needed there then moved to a section full of staves and similar weapons. Almost immediately I returned to the clothing, picking up article after article until I arrived at the front of the shop with an armload of denim and an oaken tonfa dangling from one elbow.

"How much will these cost?" I asked, setting the clothes carefully on the counter.

Clothes are 10 denim pants in varying sizes and 10 denim T-shirts in varying sizes. Half are army green, the other half desert tan.

12-26-07, 03:26 AM
((Sorry for the wait! I was looking up information on your last purchase here. :D))

Elijah had just finished making a sale to a customer when the mountain of clothes landed on the counter. Somewhat surprised by the sudden appeareance, the clerk nearly jumped out of his breaches when he looked up to see the Pagoda Warrior standing paitently for the prices.

"Oh, hello. I'll get to pricing that right away, sir."

Elijah remembered Josh from the last time the warrior came to the store - it was for one of the odd-looking knives at the back of the store. This time, checking over the clothes and running the numbers through his head, he's apparently back to shop for clothes.

"Alright, sir." Elijah summed up the prices in his head. "That will be one thousand, seven hundred and fifty Crowns total."

The price was no joke, though. Clothes in Radasanth, the world leader in fashion, were known for their high quality as well as their equally high prices. The items within the shop, however, were of a rather lower quality than the top echelon in fashion and carried a bit less restrictive tag.

"Anything else, sir?" The clerk asked cordially.

11-05-08, 08:51 PM
This thread has been inactive for over a month and will be temporarily closed. If you wish to continue the thread feel free to PM me at any time and I will reopen it. If it was left inactive due to the loss of the moderator then you can PM me about that as well and when I reopen it I will make sure that it is claimed and completed promptly.

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The Mod Staff.